


Welcome to the garden! Enjoy your time here ^__^

Hello, I'm Hope! Welcome to my website!

This page is very much a work in progress, so there isn't much to see just yet... currently, I plan to post OC projects as well as my reviews on various animanga I read and watch. I am also a yumejoshi, so there will be pages dedicated to that as well. It's lovely to meet you!

Updates ⁕

10/24/23 Site is very much a WIP! ...Don't click anything okay.

10/31/23 Began construction on anime reviews page. This is actually pretty much done, I just... need to write up some actual reviews.

11/06/23 Began constructing info pages for my self inserts!

Current Plans ⁕

Right now I want to create a page for my fanfictions so I can crosspost them here as well!

Uhh.. whatever you want!
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